Vermont History and Genealogy

January 20, 2007

Burlington Free Press Memorials 05/2000

Filed under: Burlington Free Press, genealogy, Memorials - BFP, vermont — thedarwinexception @ 4:17 am

BFP May 2000 Memorials


May 2000

May 1
In Loving Memory DOROTHY K. BOWEN May 1, 1998 One year has passed since God took you home. So much time has passed, and I still feel lost without you. Words cannot express the joy you brought to my life, and mere words cannot measure the depth to which I miss you. I think of you every day, Mom, and things I see remind me so much of you. I smelled your perfume the other day and I smiled thinking of you. I even thought I saw you looking back at me from another person’s face. Oh, how you loved life and lived it to its fullest; the world was your stage. You commanded presence, yet every person’s life that you touched, they were left with a gift–the gift of knowing you. You taught me honesty, integrity, the value of a buck, and how to stand up for myself; life lessons taught well, Mom. I know that the journey from this Earth into Heaven is one that we must face at that moment, alone, but I know when I get to Heaven that you and Dad will be waiting there at the gate. Oh, God, how I miss you. With love, Your Baby
May 2
MARGARET M. DAVIS May 2, 1940 to Jan 14 1996 Happy Birthday,Happy Mother’s Day! A mother is life at its best. She understands, she goes a million miles out of her way just to lend a hand. A mother can guide you, inspire you, comfort you, and light up you life. A mother understands your moods & nurtures your needs. She lovingly knows just what would help make things right. A mother brings sunlight into your life, she warms your life with her presence, whether she is far away or close by your side. A mother is the most wonderful gift that brings happiness and a treasure that money can’t buy. We’ll always love you. -Your children & mother
May 3
In honor of your memory Donna H. Snow Walter W. Snow September 13, 1994 May 3, 1996 Love, Judy Matot
May 5
In loving memory of Joseph McGee who passed away a year ago on May 5, 1999. We miss your smile, your love and laughter. You were a good husband, father and friend. We all miss you, Love, your wife and children.
10/22/58 to 5/5/00 MICHAEL J. RULE To all our dear friends and family, Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers through this very difficult time. We will miss our Michael very much, but how fortunate we are that in our hearts we keep forever the wonderful memories and the time we shared together. With love, Michael’s wife Michelle and his loving ”Mom” Jan.
May 6
In memory of MARY BRACE WALKER 05/06/61 – 12/02/99 Mary, today you would have been 39 years old. The only comfort that we have is that you are with your brother Dennis. With you two up there together, we know that heaven is a little more special. Both you and Dennis are forever in our hearts and mind. Mary, may peace be with you; we love and miss you very much. You always gave so much and asked so little. Love, Dad and Mom Brace Christina, Scott, Lisa and Lexi
May 7
ILAMAE BESSETTE May 7, 2000 Dear Mom, Although you have been gone just a short time, I already miss you so much. There’s an emptiness deep inside me where you used to be, I think about you often. As time goes by and memories fade, I know there’ll be a place for you deep inside my heart. I love you. Happy Mother’s Day. Your son, Pete
May 9
In Loving Memory of ERIC J. MARRIER May 9, 1980 – October 9, 1995 Happy 20th Birthday Buddy boy! The years have passed slowly since you left us and the emptiness is still deep in our hearts. We wish you were here sharing your Birthday with us. Though time heals, it seems it takes so long. Watch over us and know that you are in our hearts today and every day. Some day we will all be together again but until then we know you are in God’s loving hands. Happy Birthday We love and miss you, Mom & Dad
DAISY PRIM May 9, 1913 – May 6, 1999 Mom, we know you are in heaven, and we know life must go on. But we celebrate your birthday, just as if you were not gone. We love you so and miss you, But we’ll never be apart, because a part of you will always live on within our hearts. Your Daughters, Betty and Dorothy
May 13
DAVID STECKLARE Jan. 27, 1943 – May 13, 1996 The world will never be the same — earth, water, tree share this grief . As distant stars participate in pain – a candle snuffed, a falling leaf O this loss is heaven mourned, for if no angel cried. The very galaxies would have lied. How shall we sing our love’s song now — in this land where all are born to die? Each leaf and star show how the universe is part of this one cry That every life is noted and is cherished. And nothing loved is ever lost or perished. Love forever, Janet, Stephanie, Jeff and all your loving family.
May 19
JAY EUDY Apr. 30. 1980 – May 19, 1998 Happy 20th Birthday, Grandson, Uncle and Brother I love you, Jay, and miss you so, and I know you’ll always be nearby. Though your body is gone forever, your spirit will never die. Love, Nana, sister Candy Sue, Mikayla, Carol Ann and Jonathon
May 21
Jeremie M. Aube September 29, 1971 – May 21, 1999 Jeremie, It’s still hard to believe that you’re gone. People say it gets easier with time, but we are all realizing it only gets harder. Thank you for being such an incredible friend and a truly amazing man. You touched the lives of everyone that you knew. We continue to think of you every day – missing you terribly but also remembering the great times. We hope that you are now at peace, and we pray that we will all be together again someday. Love always, Jason and Trista
SCOTT E. CROSS 12/6/50-5/21/99 Dear Brother, It’s hard to believe a year has passed. So many changes since you’ve been gone. I’ll be a grandmother soon. I miss you dearly, but what I miss the most were our quiet times spent together. Until we meet again, Your Loving Sis, Linda
May 22
BERNADINE JAMESON Aug. 16, 1923 – May 22, 1996 Four years ago you left us. You were a loving mother and wife, and no one could ever fill your place in our hearts. We will never forget you. All our love, Dad, Nancy, Janet, Butch and Stepanie
In Memory of My Beloved Wife Rita Breiner LaGrow May 2, 1925-May 22, 1993 Another year has passed honey and the phrase that time heals is all wrong. The pain in my heart is still there and will never go away. You are always in my thoughts and in everything I do. If only I could hold you in my arms once more and tell you how much I love you. Some day I will join you in heaven and we will be together through all eternity. God bless you my darling. All my love always, Don.
May 23
In Loving Memory PHILIP M. BERRY 3/11/94 – 5/23/95 Peaceful be thy sleep dear son It is sweet to breathe thy name In life we loved you dearly In death we do the same Love, Mom, Dad, Andrew, George, Edward, William and Kate
May 24
Remembering Robin Always ROBIN R ALLEN 2/19/56 – 5/24/98 You will forever be in our minds and hearts. We love you and miss you. Your Family & Friends
To Our Special Dad CARLTON K. BARTLETT 2/15/23 – 5/24/98 Dad, We continue to carry you close to our hearts. Your spirit and deep faith will always live on. Knowing that God is taking good care of you, we trust in Him that we will all be together again. We love you and miss you. Love Always, Your Loving Family
May 25
In memory of my brother, Paul Goulette 4/4/1920 – 5/25/1991 Your music lingers, Lloyd, Babe & Lucille
May 26
Elizabeth (Betty) Fitzgerald 5/26/29 – 9/24/99 Happy Birthday Mom, We miss you. You were such a big part of our lives … we still can’t believe you’re gone. We are glad your suffering is over. We know you are celebrating with friends and family who were waiting for you. Love you, Debbie, Sandy, Laura, And all your loved ones left behind.
HAYLEY G. GIRARD 5/26/94 to 12/19/98 For Hayley You are the embodiment of perfect innocence, One of the few people I know whose eyes actually sparkle, A true angel that has walked the Earth. Bright and beautiful, precious and joyful, A tiny, rare gem in the midst of so much ugliness and hate. I feel priviledged that you’ve been part of my world. It’s so easy to love you. It’s so impossible to believe you’ve been taken away. Very few things in my life have made me as sad as I am today. I cry selfish tears because my days will no longer be blessed with your angelic voice and your boundless energy. Your short, sweet life touched many of us, and we will always cherish your memory. Please save a place for me in Heaven, where we can laugh and sing and play once again. -k.l.a. 12/19/98 Happy Birthday. Love, Mommy, Steven, Family & Friends.
May 29
IN LOVING MEMORY OF KRISTEN LAURE CHARLEBOIS Sept 19, 1978 – May 29, 1995 Dear Kristy, We pray that you know how very much we continue to miss you. Our lives will never be totally complete without you. We’ll love you forever and look forward to the day when we will all be together again. With much love, Mom, Dad, Kate and Randy
May 30
In loving memory of DAVID DALTON 12/16/48 – 5/30/80 Your family
May 31
In Memory of Louis Martell 4-4-39 – 5-31-99 You are always in our hearts and never forgottten. Love, Dottie & all of the family.


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